欧林斯——来自美国的古典家具品牌 欧林斯家具来自著名影城好莱坞的故乡——美国加利福尼亚州,是美国最负盛名的家具公司之一。2004年美国欧林斯品牌的家居产品作为家具界的奢侈品牌正式走进了中国市场。 在美国,欧林斯家具是奢华和品位的象征,拥有数十名欧美资深设计师组成的庞大设计团队。欧林斯产品设计含蓄、典雅、匠心独运,将奢华和艺术完美的融为一体,多年来,欧林斯公司积累了一份令人骄傲的VIP客户名单,其中不乏很多家喻户晓的名字,美国著名歌星迈克尔·杰克逊、著名影星朱丽亚·罗伯茨、加州州长斯瓦辛格、篮球明星科比等都是欧林斯品牌家具的拥有者。欧林斯产品点缀着众多世界上最奢侈最美丽的家。 欧林斯家具是目前国内高端家具市场中顶级的美式家具,是美国高端家具在国内的代表产品。欧林斯家具全面的保持了美国古典家具的气质与高端家居形态的特征。以原汁原味的美国风格,向广大的中国消费者传递美式家具文化和理念,引导着美国古典家具在中国家具市场的新潮流。 欧林斯家具产品是原汁原味的美式家具。保持原木的特色和大量的手工制作工艺,强调古旧色彩的质感。欧林斯家具更注重家居环境和家具饰品装饰的整体效果,并以此来表现家具主人的修养品位和社会地位。因此,欧林斯的套房、客厅、餐厅系列等全部产品的风格,无不体现着美国古典家具的气质与高端家居形态的特征。 欧林斯家具全部由美国家具设计大师专业设计。总设计师罗素·卡森先生一贯主张:“细节传递品质”,欧林斯设计师们强调产品的内涵与独创性,他们不会为每一个客户提供相同模式的一站式服务,也从不把产品局限于某种特定的风格。他们会充分了解客户需求,将优美的设计与现代科技完美结合,同时运用各种最能彰显产品美感的名贵原材料,精心打造出一件件艺术品式的完美家具产品,同时,欧林斯产品通过雕花、涂装等美式家具特有的家具语言,向广大消费者表达了美式文化的独特情怀。 欧林斯家具,只为懂得欣赏的人而存在。 Orleans International is an industry leader in creating timeless and original furniture for the luxury homes of the world. As one of the world's largest privately-owned fine furniture companies, Orleans International is committed to building the finest custom furniture combined with the relentless pursuit of perfection and an unwavering dedication to original design, craftsmanship, and using the finest material. Orleans International employs an international team of designers and artisans dedicated to fashioning exquisite and unique furniture. Our designers and artisans harmoniously fuse old-world tradition of elegance and luxury and combining modern furniture construction. From our studio in California, our designers travel the world for inspiring designs and look to classical homes in creating original furniture that will last this generation and beyond. By assembling an acclaimed team of designers and featuring our own manufacturing facilities, we offer what no other manufacturer can with our exquisite detailing, wood & fabric selections, veneer options, custom quality hardware and using the highest construction techniques in the industry. All woods are treated through a state-of-the-art dry kiln process. Our attention to detail carries over to all of our hand applied custom finishes and carpentry. Our artisans stain, pad, rub, antique, highlight, and shade all by hand. The result is finely-crafted furniture befitting of luxurious homes. Further defining each individual piece is our ability to customize. We offer a mass assortment of top quality fabric in colors, textures and types to select from and a fine attention to the tailoring details. Floral patterns are centered, stripes are matched, and stitches are carefully sewn. Today Orleans International is an industry leader well known for its innovative design and world-class quality. Enduring tradition, superior craftsmanship, an unshakeable philosophy of excellence—these are our founding principle and our commitment to you. 美国欧林斯家具的企业文化 公司宗旨:以市场为导向,以客户为中心 公司愿景:传播美国传统家居文化,打造传世精品家具 公司文化:务实 诚信 实干 创新 公司服务观:先于客户想到 超乎期待做到 公司价值观:尽心才能尽享成功 创新才能创意生活 公司人才观:人尽其才 德才兼备 磨砺中成长 学习中卓越 公司质量观:品质是企业的生命 精益求精 细节是品牌的源泉 精雕细琢 公司经营观:以品质赢市场 以品牌创效益 公司发展观:传承百年家居文化,建立行业领导品牌 公司行为观:全力以赴 高效执行 公司企业精神:和谐创新,开拓市场, 团结拼搏,创造价值,服务至上 公司产品观:打造经得起时光打磨的经典家具
公司行为准则:真诚相处 合作交流 团结互助 和谐共进 |